Erika's version:
I came to Minnesota as part of a Teacher Exchange Program. A teacher from my school had me as her guest while my apartment was getting ready for me to move. During the dinner we talked about how close I was to my family and how different Minnesota was from my hometown, which it is a port. I used to see the sunrise coming on the beach every morning on my way to work. She took pity on me and advised me to find a "friend" who could be there for me since the winter was going to arrive sooner or later and I was going to need someone to warm me up or help me with something in this new life I was starting up.
I was not afraid of how she described the cold and the snow. I was excited actually because it was going to be my first time seeing the snow. Despite that, I followed the advice and downloaded a dating app where a I set the radar for meeting people within 1 km of my location. I saw Steven's profile and I liked his big smile, but the big cat next to him and his long hair made me doubt. But I needed a friend, a coffee is not a commitment, is it? and I sent him the first "Hello!".
We started talking and I invited him to the Renaissance Festival. After that we started finding reasons to go out like finding a church to go, buying stuff for my new apartment, walks in the park, and board game nights. I met Charlie, and despite that I said I did not like cats, he welcomed me in and both were there whenever I felt homesick and they warmed my heart up with their love.
We always found things to do every season. It was my first time seeing fall landscapes, playing in the snow and walking on a frozen lake. My first time riding a bike through beautiful trails and gardens and swimming in the lake and camping in the summer. I love living and looking forward to do things together all the time.
Steven's version:
Erika fell into my life and stole my heart just a few short years ago. Together, we have been exploring, seeking out new experiences, learning about each other’s culture, and just enjoying life to its fullest. Our relationship quickly blossomed into something truly fulfilling, and I wanted this love, support, and commitment to last a lifetime. In May of this year, I found the perfect engagement ring for her and made a plan to get it on her finger.
We took a small vacation to visit some cities and parks in southern Minnesota. We visited lots of fun places and enjoyed good conversation along the way. At a beautiful state park near the end of the trip, we were taking selfies in front of a waterfall when a stranger offered to help us get a better shot. Once I handed over my phone, I got down on one knee. She was so surprised! (As was the photographer!)
Oh, and Charlie likes her too 😻